Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Lost Honjo Masamune Sword

Welcome back to my blog for another treasure hunt!

This time, we are going to travel to Japan to look at a valuable lost artifact. Those of you familiar with Japanese history, especially that of the Samurais, might already know some of this information, but note that I am not going to talk about the Samurai culture, but one sword's legend.

Side note: "The Last Samurai" is NOT an accurate representation of the Samurai culture.

The Legend of Masamune

(Ian Harvey. (Nov.20,2018). An old portrait of the sword smith Masamune. Retrieved from:

Goro Nyudo Masamune is regarded as one of Japan's greatest swordsmiths. Masamune lived during the late 13th century, early 14th century, and to this day, there are still many legends about him and his magical swords. His weapons were made entirely of steel at a time when the uses and states of steel was not well-known. There are still some debates regarding the techniques used, however, it is agreed that Masamune was way ahead of his time. 

Moreover, Masamune's swords were known for their strength, flexibility and light weight. Some legends also claim that his swords have magical and holy powers, such as that they only cut what needs to be cut, and they can even heal the wounds inflicted from the swords of the enemy.

Here are some examples of Masamune's exquisite blades:

(William DeLong. (Sept.17,2018). Another Masamune masterpiece with the curvy wave pattern. 
Retrieved from:

(William DeLong. (Sept.17,2018). Another Masamune masterpiece with the curvy wave pattern. 
Retrieved from:

(Alisa Su. (Dec.14,2017). 20 Mystery Facts of the Honjo Masamune sword. Retrieved from:

(Alisa Su. (Dec.14,2017). 20 Mystery Facts of the Honjo Masamune sword. Retrieved from:

The Origins of Honjo Masamune Sword

The famous Honjo Masamune sword got its name from the Japanese General, Honjo Shigenaga. The story goes that during the battle at Kawanakajima in 1561, the sword which was in the hands of the enemy, cut Shigenaga's helmet, but did not kill him. Shigenaga was then able to defeat the enemy and claim the sword. 

(Ian Harvey. (Nov.20,2018). Honjō Shigenaga parrying an exploding shell, by Utagawa Kuniyoshi.. Retrieved from:

The sword remained in Shigenaga's possession for many years before he ultimately sold it to the Toyotomi clan, Japan's rulers at the end of 16th century. When Tokugawa Ieyasu became the new shogun and took over Japan, he also acquired the sword. As such, the Honjo Masamune Sword became a family treasure that remained with the Tokugawa family during their 250 years dynasty, and even after their fall from the power.

The Disappearance of the Sword

At the end of World War II, when the Allies won and Japan surrendered, the U.S. Army demanded Japanese people turn over all their weapons, including swords in the family heirlooms. Many Nobles resisted this, and to make good example, Iemasu, a Tokugawa descendant who was also the President of the House of Peers, handed his family's sword collection, which included the Honjo Masamune Sword. Supposedly, this collection was retrieved by a man named Cody Bimore, whose existence was never verified. Although another famous Masamune sword was found in 2013, the Honjo Masamune Sword remains to be found and no one knows of its whereabouts and fate.

(Swords of Northshire. Line drawings of the unique hamon of the Honjo Masamune. Retrieved from:


William DeLong. (Sept.17,2018). Masamune, The 13th Century Japanese Swordsmith Who Was The Stuff of Legends. Retrieved from:

Alisa Su. (Dec.14,2017). 20 Mystery Facts of the Honjo Masamune sword. Retrieved from:

DHWTY. (May 1, 2016. Searching for the Honjo Masamune, Lost Samurai Sword of Power. Retrieved from:

Ian Harvey. (Nov.20,2018). Epic Saga of the Greatest Samurai Sword Ever Made. Retrieved from:

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